Advent 3: The Journey That Was Not Just Then…
by JD McNutt
“We are all getting ready to enter the Mystery of Christmas, so let’s go with the prophets, the Holy Family, the shepherds, the angels, the Magi and all the rest to make the journey that was not just then. It is also now.” - from The Complete Guide to Godly Play: Volume 3 by Jerome Berryman
The journey is now. Deep words. For the past 14 years I have been blessed to be on this journey at a home for children who have been through severe abuse and trauma. It is called Thompson, located in Matthews, NC. Those that have been to Training with me know that I constantly talk about my kids for they are near and dear to my heart. One story stands out in my mind as I write this evening. If you will allow me, I would like to tell you a small piece of her story because it is very similar to many of our children.
We had a young client back some time ago, and for some reason we just got along well. We clicked. About a week or so after she arrived, I was asked to sit in on a meeting with her. She was informed by phone that a sibling had passed away but no details on how it happened. She found out later from her family that the sibling had been murdered. Loss. More meetings followed the next few weeks. Cannot go home. Loss. Cannot talk to your family. Loss. Loss. Loss, etc…
You can imagine how this would affect the child. The clouds of depression gathered around her each day. Heavy and dark clouds. She had poor hygiene, could not sleep, and behaviors began to increase. Her hair would be a mess, often wearing the same clothing that had been on for at least 3 days, and no desire to change any of it. She got to where she would let me brush her hair and that became a part of our daily routine. Self-care is hard work when depression hits hard.
Chapel of the Holy Family
Let’s jump ahead to Easter. In our chapel, The Chapel of the Holy Family, we use Godly Play with our younger cottages. Do you remember the phrase in the Easter story where we use the language of the ending becoming a new beginning?
My little friend sat there and then blurted out, “ohhhh…the ending becomes a beginning!”
“Yes, the ending is also a beginning.”
“That’s like my life”.
“hmmmm…you might need to explain that one to me”
“Well, I had to end things with my family so that I could begin things with a new family. I have to end bad habits to begin new ones. So the ending is a beginning Mr JD.”
After Easter I started seeing small improvements in her. One morning, a few weeks later, I arrived in the cottage and she came skipping out of her room. Shiny hair all brushed, wearing a pretty maroon dress, twirled around and said, “What do you think Mr JD?”
It was a beautiful morning.
This time with her really has been a further convincing argument for me that mind, body, and spirit are all connected. She received a lot of peace in her mind from therapy. She received a lot of peace in her body with having a safe place to sleep at night. And I think she found a lot of peace in her spirit from God through the realization that the ending also becomes a beginning.
You know, sometimes I think we should call it Godly Theraplay. I love that God continues to reach children, even at our lowest points, in life through the stories.
So, we are all on this journey. Not just then. But also now. A journey of finding the Christ child. A journey of discovering who we are as people of God. A journey of finding a beginning that becomes an even greater beginning. As you are on this journey during the Advent season may you and your children find peace in your mind, body, and spirit. And may you know that you are never alone.
JD is a Godly Play Trainer and is the Spiritual Life Coordinator at Thompson based in Matthews, North Carolina.