The Great Family Reunion
The Great Family Reunion—learning, networking, and inspiration for Godly Players all over the globe!
In June of 2021, over 300 Godly Players, from all over the globe, gathered in a way that has become all too familiar during this last year – virtually. We wondered.....will people come? Are they tired of Zoom? Will it feel artificial? Amazingly, it worked! We had great participation and many have shared that it really did feel like a Great Family Reunion, “as many as the grains of sand in the desert and the stars in the sky.”
A Family Portrait
We are so grateful for all of you who downloaded the event App (WHOVA), and took advantage of all the ways the App gave us to build community. The folks at WHOVA shared that in comparison to similar events, we had a very high percentage of participation both in the events and on the community boards. This says a lot about our community and the ability of Godly Play to foster deep connections both for the adults and children.
Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams and Holy Imagination
Each day started with worship followed by a keynote address. Dr. David White from Austin Seminary spoke of the importance of beauty in religious formation, linking that to the beautiful stories, materials, and relationships that are fostered in a Godly Play session. Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams from Virginia Theological Seminary, spoke about play and the cultivation of a Holy Imagination, linking it to the practice of Godly Play. On the third day we shifted to thinking more practically about the practice of Godly Play, receiving an introduction to the extension stories in the revised Volume 6 of “The Complete Guide to Godly Play” by the two consulting editors, Dr. Rosemary Beales and Dr. Cheryl Minor.
Dr Cora O’Farrell getting ready to share the Story of St Patrick in Irish!
Afternoons featured a combination of workshops, panel discussions, reunion groups, affinity groups, and storytelling, including the rich experience of hearing a beloved Godly Play story in a different language. All the sessions were recorded which meant if you had to step away from your computer, or just couldn’t decide which workshop to attend, you could always go back and listen afterwards. Over thirty people from all over the globe gave of their time and talent to lead this “feast” of offerings!
On the last afternoon we were gifted with an hour with our Founder, Dr. Jerome Berryman, who read to us from his new novel, “Autumn in Florence.” We closed the three days with a celebration of thirty years of Godly Play, marking the 30th anniversary of the publication of Dr. Berryman’s first book, “Godly Play: A way of Religious Education.” It included the telling of the story of the Great Family in many languages—a powerful way to see the far-reaching impact of that book and the work that followed it.
I want to thank all those who worked behind the scenes to make this event such a wonderful success:
The Planning Committee: Teresa Phares, Amy Crawford, Kat Mercer, Kay Flores, and Kathleen Capcara
The Godly Play Foundation Staff
Our Executive Director, Dr. Heather Ingersoll
Two years from now we hope to gather in-person. Until then, we will cherish this time together, and pray for everyone’s health and safety as our world slowly emerges from the pandemic. May God continue to draw close to each of you and the children you serve!
Dr. Cheryl Minor, Chair of the Conference